Sunday, July 24, 2011

been a while

So I am so bad at this blogging thing... I will start with the weight loss stuff. So I managed to get to 10 lbs lost.. Then I gained .6 back, okay no big deal.. then I gained 2.2lb back. I am so mad at myself and to make things worse I just seem to continually do worse. I really need to go through the house and get all sweets out of here and load up on fruits and veggies. I have so much to lose to just keep screwing it up and honestly right now could use some serious motivation. On a positive note I have been doing a pilates reformer class once a week for a month now. I am about to be on my 5th week. I have 6 sessions bought and am seriously thinking of buying more! In just a few weeks I can feel the difference in my body. I went in not being able to do a full sit up while laying down and now i can! This might not seem like a big deal to some but its great for me considering I had a c section almost 6 months ago. It is nce to know I can utilize(sp) and feel my ab muscles again and in what seems to be a short time frame.

In other news, I no longer have the gummy smile baby. Masen has cut two teeth! He is also sitting up now which is great! I seemed to had forgotten just how fast they do grow. Also he seems to LOVE the water!

Short vent: So my almost 4 year old is a very talkative and intelligent for her age. It seems everyone who meets her seems to acknowledge just how well she speaks for her age. She has always been very verbal and since she started talking she has always had the ability to carry on adult conversations and use big words. So thats the background on her. Well this weekend we went to a water park with my dad's family and did a cookout at my grandparents house afterwards. My sister had brought some friends of hers with her and one of them had decided to help my grandmother and cousins fill up water balloons. So as they were filling up the balloons my grandma and cousins began to talk about Addison and my other cousin's(not present in the house) daughter. They then made a remark saying that Addison is a special child.. Don't take this wrong it wouldnt bother me if she was indeed "special" but she isnt. Anyways so my sisters friend asked them what do you mean special and they replied oh you know she's just different....(Okay WTF seriously!) This is where my sister's friend got a little ticked off and replied " I might not have been around her a lot but she is smarter that my 7 year old sister." At this remark they just stared at her and the conversation ended.  So I am just a little furious.. I mean I have a right to be right?!?!

Anyways- we are also moving by August 1st!!!I am excited and have a lot to do! We have painted and put in carpet and some linelom(sp lol) It is right across from my dad's house so I am super excited about that since we are close :) Well I believe it is time for me to go to bed. Hopefully I can update more frequently!

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