Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My purpose

I have been thinking for years on what my purpose is. When I was younger up through high school I want to be a nurse. A pediatric nurse in the hospital to be exact. I went through one semester of college and just realized my heart wasn't in it anymore. Dropped out of college and became pregnant. Since then I have worked in one place and it just wasn't for me but it was a job. I have been unemployed now and a SAHM for almost 3.5 years now. While that is fulfilling in itself I feel like I need more. Through these past couple of years of losing weight I have had people ask what am I eating and what type of exercise I have been doing. I have been asked for advice on certain exercising and have found my self motivating people. letting them know they can do anything! Still I am struggling with my purpose in life. Do i even have one? It came to me yesterday. I think I am supposed to help people achieve their goals. Whether it is exercise wise or food wise. I want to make a difference and help others. I know firsthand how hard losing weight is and how hard we can be on ourselves. I have and still am struggling so hard with losing weight and loving myself and body. I know how it feels. I feel like maybe my purpose in life is to help others that may be going through something similar. Now the question is where do I go from here? What field do I go into? Personal training? Registered Dietitian?  Counselor? All of these jump out at me. And it is crazy! Maybe I can find something that combines all three.. Body image is something that has always been important to me. I just never realized how much it impacted me until I became so overweight that I was considered obese. I have been on both ends of the spectrum. I have been at a healthy weight and felt fat and pressured to be thinner and then I have been fat. I know that's harsh but that is the reality of it all. I know now how difficult both places can be. I want to help others feel better about themselves and make themselves healthier.  

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